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mama de la myco

Cervical Soft -- Black Cohosh Root

Cervical Soft -- Black Cohosh Root

Regular price $35.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $35.00 USD
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Each package has ~ 50g : 20 servings

Our cervical softener is Black Cohosh Powder a natural way to help soften and relax the cervix and soothe menstrual symptoms.  Black cohosh, an emmenagogue, helps regulate menstruation for a more comfortable experience and assist in bleeding process and to induce labor.

It is a native plant to north america, we offer powdered roots.  

suggested dose to bring on menses : half tsp in liquid for up to 5 days leading up to your menstruation.   Please consult with a health care practitioner before beginning your protocol.


To see more information about Herbal Contraceptives, check out Henriette's Herbal Knowledge Database around Herbal Abortives and Birth Control

Care information

store all remedies in cool, dark place.

they are all shelf stable, so no refrigeration is needed, however, all containers should be air tight to maintain freshness.

keep these remedies close to your heart, store them in a place you will find them and visit them often.

singing music for them and sharing with friends is encouraged!

feel free to contact us

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